For awhile now, I have wanted my scraproom upstairs.... near the girls' playroom, near the daily goings on in our household. I didn't like being in my own little world tucked in a corner in the basement any longer. I wanted a pretty scrap room. I wanted something sunny, and yellow, and bright and oh so cheery! Well, that dream finally became a reality last weekend. I decided to roll up my sleeves and just dig in and do it. Finally.
Thursday night I just kind of unloaded the girls' and my closets and got those rearranged. All the serious fun began on Friday....
First, I had to load up all my scrap crap and bring it upstairs. Staging area for this stuff was in the playroom. Not the most ideal spot but it had to do. It's pretty much right outside the door to the scrap room so after moving it once upstairs, I wouldn't have far to move it the 2nd time once I could finally get it into the room. Also, since everything was piled in there, it was a good incentive to get the room DONE so that the girls would be able to have their playroom back ASAP!!! LOL!
Once that was done, I needed to get everything out of our bedroom which meant moving just the mattress downstairs into the basement bedroom. We aren't able to fit a standard queen size box spring down the stairway due to the clearance. So, go the bed, my dresser and our nightstands downstairs. Not too much of a problem.
Next was moving the girls' beds and nightstands into what was previously our room. Again, easy process.
However, its getting late on Friday night and with all this moving, we were pooped! However, the now NEW scrap room was all cleared out and ready for paint!
Saturday morning the fam headed into to town to Home Depot to get some necessities for painting. $100 later *insert rolling eyes here* we're are set!
Now for the part I REALLY hate... prepping the room for painting... taping, washing the walls, removing the faceplates and other hardware. But, I knew in the end it would all be worth it so I got right at it. This is the room BEFORE anything was done to it. It had a "whitewashed" paint technique in pink. This was the girls' room.
The rest is pretty self explanitory....
The FINAL section of PINK!!!

More paint.
DONE!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It only took 2 coats of paint and no primer to cover the pink. However, there was one small section that didn't get a 2nd coat for the simple reason I ran out of paint. BUT, thankfully, 1). it was the section that is behind/under my crafting table and 2). my first coat in that area was pretty thick so you can't really tell. Shhhhhh... it'll be our little secret, OK? ;)
Now time for moving in!
MOVED IN!!! Well, for the most part. This is pretty much all of my stuff. It's a complete mess right now because my large shelf isn't hung up yet and that will get hung directly over my crafting table... hopefully that will get done tonight. I had 3 cans of white spray paint sitting out in the garage so I painted it quick. Now I just need dear hubby to hang it for me! :)
The "business" section of the room. I love it because it is directly across from my crafting area so I can just wheel my pretty little pink chair back and forth between my desk and crafting space.
The other end of the room. This cabinet used to hold all of my alterables but i didn't like that it didn't look "pretty" when viewed thru the windows in the doors so I put all of my ribbon and buttons in there now. I do not like them in this cabinet. :( So, once the above mentioned shelf gets hung, they will find their happy home back on that shelf and I'll find something else to put in the cabinet instead. Any ideas?
I didn't take a picture of it but I have my paper racks, sewing machine and my albums in the closet. Maybe I'll have to take a picture of that and edit this post at a later date.
Well, there ya have it?!?!? What do ya think?!?!