Monday, August 10, 2009

Another WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Had a GREAT weekend scrapbooking with friends at Reflections Retreat. Had a SUPER SUPER SUPER fantastic time!!! Got lots of scrapping done, TONS of giggles and conversation and virtually NO sleep! I'm ready to do it all over again next weekend!!! Ok... so maybe I need SOME rest but really, I could do that so often it's not even funny...

I know not everyone will see this as this blog is, basically, just getting "started" but just wanted to say:

Heather: So glad you let me come along with you to share my things! LOL!!! I LOVE YOU DEARIE!!! *smooches* (and BIG hugs for Sunday :( )
Jen #1: I {heart} you! 'Nuf said...
Jen #2: Boy pages are BORING!!!! Ok... so they weren't that bad... my heart just wasn't into to doing that book this weekend but thank you for the encouragement to keep me going!
Gretchen: I don't even know where to start... I honestly think that it only took us about 2 seconds to get to Rochester... I don't remember ANY of the drive other than the GREAT chatting we got done! You are a complete DOLL and I'm so glad we had all of those, in my opinion, much needed conversations. Call ANYTIME!!! I'd love to do more with you and your family. ;)
Ashley: Was so nice to meet you! Have a WONDERFUL trip! Hopefully we'll scrap together again soon after your vacation so I can see some pictures!
Charlene: I'm glad you joined us! Hope you had a good time!
Melissa: Ahhh Melissa... It was a GREAT pleasure to meet you! Thank you for ALL of the laughs!!! See you around on!
And to the 3 ladies in the back corner (I'm sorry... I can't remember all of your names!): You are true sweethearts! It was a PLEASURE meeting all of you! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your Cricut cartridges with us!

And last, but DEFINETLY, not least, Sara (and Dan too... hee :) ): Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for creating such an AMAZING place for us to come and visit. It really is a special place. You've taken great care in making it really feel like a "home away from home" and have thought of so many of the "little things". The make and take was great and such a wonderful bonus to the weekend! I hope to be able to come back (sooner than later)!!!

Oh, and a very SPECIAL thank you to my husband... Thank you for letting me get away on these little weekends to regroup myself. I really truely do appreciate everything that you do for me and the girls even though I'm not the best at expressing it. You have a lot of "freebie" weekends coming to you for all of the times you've allowed me to get away (yes, I'm keeping track ;). I LOVE YOU!!!

1 comment:

gretchenl said...

Jo- thanks for the shout out!!! :) I had such a wonderful time too! I look forward to lots more retreats with you guys (I'm inviting myself along)! :) I totally agree- it felt like it only took us 2 seconds to get to Rochester. It was so much fun to catch up & chat with each other. We definitely need to spend more time together!!!